
政協委員擬提案兩會 追究趙連海案

 2011-02-28 12:54 桌面版 简体 打賞 3












Member of Chinese Political Consultative Conference Propose to Investigate the Case of Zhao Lianhai

Liu Mengxiong, Hong Kong member of the CPPCC,
said recently that he would submit official proposal
to the national congress to investigate the case of
Zhao Lianhai, and penalize those who are responsible.
He will also propose to attribute responsibility
to the government for buying $450 billion worth of
US Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds.

According to Oriental Daily, Liu Mengxiong, Hong Kong
member of the CPPCC, plan to submit 2 controversial
proposals to the Chinese National Congress in March.

One proposal is about the case of Zhao Lianhai.
During Zhao』s trial, Beijing Daxing Court violated laws
of criminal procedure and advocate,
by detaining Zhao overtime, delaying sentencing, and
depriving Zhao』s right to consult lawyer and appeal.
The proposal suggests Daxing Court penalize
those responsible.

In Sept. 2008, Zhao Lianhai, as parent of a child
harmed by melamine milk powder, started
the "Home for Kidney Stone Babies" organization,
and led the movement of parents to get restitution.
In Nov. 2009, Zhao was arrested by Chinese regime
and was charged with 「inciting social disorder」.
On Nov. 10, 2010, Zhao was sentenced to 2.5 years
in prison by Beijing Daxing District Court.

On Dec. 28, 2010, a notice under Zhao』s name was
posted on "Home for Kidney Stone Babies" website,
claiming Zhao was on medical parole and did not
wish to be in contact.
The authenticity of the notice has yet to be verified.

Wang Lianjie, another 「kidney stone baby」 parent
believes, outside forces interfered with the situation.
「They convicted him then sent him on medical parole,」
he said, 「this way the government can intimidate
others without losing face.」

Liu Mengxiong emphasizes,
the case of Zhao Lianhai is just the tip of the iceberg.
If actions are not taken against illegal behaviors
in law enforcement,
they will fuel social conflicts and cause unrest.

Today, 2 years after the milk powder scandal,
tainted milk powder continues to appear in China.
Even more poisonous 「leather milk」 has surfaced.

As a finance expert, Liu also proposes to attribute
responsibility to the CCP Central Committee for
the $450 billion losses caused by buying
US Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds.
The US has announced plans to liquidate these bonds.

Liu says, he warned the committee 2.5 years ago
about the insolvency of these two bonds.
He analyzes $376.3 billion worth of bonds means
the management fee alone reaches 75 billion HKD.
Those who lined their own pockets with this money
need to be held responsible.

来源:NTD【禁聞】 --版權所有,任何形式轉載需看中國授權許可。 嚴禁建立鏡像網站。

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