
【白宮】篩檢中國航班旅客 美抗大規模殺傷武器辦公室参与(全文翻譯3)(圖)

 2020-02-03 04:45 桌面版 简体 打賞 7


【betway必威体育官网 2020年2月1日讯】(看中國記者天琴翻譯)1月31日,美东时间周五下午3点30分,美國冠狀病毒(又稱中共肺炎)特別工作組成員召開新聞發布會。美國國土安全部代理副部長肯‧庫奇內利说,美國將從美東時間2月2日下午5點起,實施入境管控。從中國飛往美國的航班,將在指定的7大機場著陸,為了接受嚴格的篩檢。這些機場包括:肯尼迪國際機場,芝加哥的奧黑爾機場,舊金山國際機場,西雅圖國際機場,亞特蘭大國際機場,檀香山國際機場和洛杉磯國際機場。





Let me describe briefly the role of the Department of State in the proceedings of this task force and our contributions.  Our first responsibility is to monitor events on the ground in China where we have the presence of U.S. diplomats, and to give clear and accurate advice to American citizens and, in particular, American travelers considering visiting or staying in China.

In this particular case, this includes identifying any health or safety risks to which they may be subjected, but also, very importantly, identifying their access to essential services such as healthcare in parts of China that are affected by this coronavirus.

China has an excellent healthcare system, but, in parts of the country, it is simply overwhelmed and the accessibility to that healthcare for any reason — including potential infection, but also any other type of accident in need of medical care — may be compromised during the Chinese government’s own treatment of the consequences of this virus.

Finally, we also make our judgments based upon any obstacles, particularly obstacles to movement that American citizens might face in the country.  And in China, we have seen barriers to travel, both within and without China, as well as between the United States and China.  And so we’ve given prudent advice, over the course of the week, to American citizens in order for them — to allow them to make the best possible choices for themselves.

Our second responsibility is to assist U.S. citizens in the affected areas as much as possible.  Because we have a presence on the ground, we can provide advice and, in some cases, we can make other arrangements.  But I want to emphasize this is “as possible,” and we will continue to review what we can do in certain circumstances.

Finally, and very importantly, the core mission of the Department of State is to work closely with our international partners.  And in this case, we are working very closely with the Chinese government in order to address a number of related matters.

But let me start, on behalf of the President and the Secretary of State, by extending our deepest compassion to the people of China.  This has been a very difficult time for the Chinese people.  It came at a point of their peak holiday season.  Many are affected.  Many have lost loved ones or are enduring the illness of loved ones.  And I want the Chinese people to know that they have the deepest sympathies of the United States of America.

Let me also say and echo what Secretary Azar said, which is we are deeply appreciative of the close cooperation we have with the Chinese government as we work together to try to find appropriate ways to address any risks and challenges from this virus.

And finally, the United States will continue to cooperate with China in ways that we could potentially provide assistance, including technical assistance, and also, to the extent possible, any critical supplies that the Chinese need in order to address this virus.  And we are working very hard to find donors and make arrangements so that we can — we can undertake a robust effort to help the Chinese people get their arms around this outbreak.

Thank you.

SECRETARY AZAR:  Thank you, Secretary Biegun.  Let me — let me next invite the Acting Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli to take the podium for some comments.

ACTING DEPUTY SECRETARY CUCCINELLI:  Thank you, Mr. Secretary.  I am Ken Cuccinelli.  I’m the Acting Deputy Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, and I’m the Department’s representative on the task force led by Secretary Azar.

Several elements of the Department of Homeland Security are engaged in implementing the medical strategy you heard described here, including Customs and Border Protection, which stands at our land ports, seaports, and airports — and I’ll come back to the airports in a moment — particularly the Office of Field Operations personnel who you see when you come back into the country from your travels.  They’re the first line of defense when you land and come to the country.

Additionally engaged is TSA — the security and the engagement with the airlines.  Our chief medical officer in the department is in CWMD and they’re — we were providing medical support at the airports.

So we’re using contract authority that we have to backfill the CDC personnel, so they can be freed up for other missions at the airports where medical screening is being focused.

FEMA continues to prepare and support HHS preparations themselves.  And then the United States Coast Guard, of course, commands the ports of the United States and deals with incoming shipping, which is obviously slower than the airplanes but coming nonetheless, and we are prepared to deal with each of those.

The President’s proclamation will have Customs and Border Protection ensuring that United States citizens, legal permanent residents, and their immediate families continue to enter the United States, though they — those coming from Hubei Province, as you heard from the Secretary, will be subject to quarantine and the others from China to screening.

We will be implementing a funneling effort at the airports.  This is done under the authority of the Customs and Border Protection, and it will include seven airports.  So starting five o’clock on Sunday, Eastern Time, incoming flights from China will be funneled through seven airports.  Those airports are JFK, Chicago’s O’Hare, in San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta, Honolulu, and LAX.

This is done under CBP’s authority.  It will be executed by the Secretary the Department of Homeland Security, consistent with the President’s proclamation and in support of that effort — again, so we can focus the expertise of the medical professionals that will do the screening to implement this.

We’ll continue to support the medical efforts across the country both at our ports — our land, sea, and air — as well as with personnel standing up some of the resiliency measures that HHS has been working on for some time.  Thank you.

SECRETARY AZAR:  Thank you, Secretary Cuccinelli.  At this point, we’d be happy to take some of your questions.  Kevin, would you like to get started?



【白宫】川普令 可能傳中共病毒的外國人限入境(全文翻譯2)


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