
冬奥会花样滑冰女单短节目精彩瞬间(betway必威体育官网 )

 2006-02-23 06:47 桌面版 正體 打赏 0
都灵冬奥会21日进行了花样滑冰女单短节目的角逐,上届冬奥会第四名、美国选手科恩力压上届冬奥会亚军、俄罗斯选手斯鲁茨卡娅,在短节目中取得领先地位。(Getty Images)

美国选手科恩Sasha Cohen of the United States(Getty Images)

美国选手科恩Sasha Cohen of the United States(Getty Images)

Sasha Cohen of the United States(Getty Images)

Sasha Cohen of the United States(Getty Images)

Sasha Cohen of the United States(Getty Images)

Carolina Kostner of Italy(Getty Images)

Carolina Kostner of Italy(Getty Images)

意大利的Carolina Kostner(Getty Images)

意大利的Carolina Kostner不幸摔倒(Getty Images)

Elena Liashenko of the Ukraine(Getty Images)

Emily Hughes of the United States(Getty Images)

Emily Hughes of the United States(Getty Images)

Emily Hughes of the United States(Getty Images)

日本著名选手荒川静香(Getty Images)

日本著名选手荒川静香Shizuka Arakawa of Japan(Getty Images)

Shizuka Arakawa of Japan(Getty Images)

Shizuka Arakawa of Japan(Getty Images)

Shizuka Arakawa of Japan(Getty Images)

Joanne Carter of Australia(Getty Images)

Joanne Carter of Australia(Getty Images)

Joanne Carter of Australia(Getty Images)

Julia Sebestyen of Hungary(Getty Images)

Julia Sebestyen of Hungary(Getty Images)

Miki Ando of Japan(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Yan Liu of China(Getty Images)

Kiira Korpi of Finland(Getty Images)

Kiira Korpi of Finland(Getty Images)

Kiira Korpi of Finland(Getty Images)

Kiira Korpi of Finland(Getty Images)

Kimmie Meissner of the United States(Getty Images)

Kimmie Meissner of the United States(Getty Images)

Kimmie Meissner of the United States(Getty Images)

Kimmie Meissner of the United States(Getty Images)

俄罗斯选手斯鲁茨卡娅Irina Slutskaya of Russia(Getty Images)

Irina Slutskaya of Russia(Getty Images)

Irina Slutskaya of Russia(Getty Images)

俄罗斯选手斯鲁茨卡娅Irina Slutskaya of Russia(Getty Images)

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