

 2010-05-31 11:52 桌面版 正體 打赏 1

阅王洛莞先生大作“中国网络草根词语显示力量”,真是又悲又喜,悲哀的是数千年文明古国被中共政权作贱了六十年,变成了一个公义缺失、道德沦丧的国家;欣喜的是现时中国网民已达三亿八千四百万(见1月15日中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)在京发布《第25次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》) ,在话语权被高度垄断的国度里形成了强大的民间舆论,迫使中共不得不惩处被网民穷追猛打的贪腐滥权官吏,迫使中共不敢再欺压弱小群体予捕予杀。用海外舆论的话说就是“网民拿到话语权,改变了游戏规则,促进了法制化,撼动了官僚体制,网络问政给中国民主带来一线曙光。”


No Z Turn 不折腾 [笔者注:由No U Turn(不准掉头)演变而成,意即不准Z形左右摇摆,Z Turn与中文“折腾”谐音]

[v] The general public believes this is the most lifelike word; Hu Jintao has said during his term in office.

[动词] 海外舆论普遍认为这是胡锦涛任内唯一稍生动的语句。

[ie].In the event of celebrating China’s thirty years of reformation, the fellow audiences were all laughing up their sleeves at Hu Jintao, when he spoke a word “not tossing about ” use a north vernacular . But how to translate it for English, actually tossed about all of the Chinese. Had not found any English word matched with, finally have to directly use a Chinese spelling “buzheteng”.

[例句] 胡锦涛在纪念改革开放卅周年会议上讲话时,用了一句北方通用白话“不折腾”,当时引起与会中共官员的笑声,但“不折腾”的英文译法,却折腾了一大帮人。始终没有找到合适的译法,最后惟有直接用“不折腾”的汉语拼音“buzheteng”。

Smilence 笑而不语 [笔者注:由Smile(微笑)和Silence(寂静) 交错合成]

[v] When you are expecting response from Chinese, you may just only get a mysterious smile and silence from them.

[动词] 当你期望从中国听众那里获得一些回答的时候,你祗能得到神秘的微笑和他们的沉默。

[ n]. Smile without a word.

[名词 ] 笑而不语的表情

[ie]. When someone asked Uygurs what happened in Xinjiang during July, 5th, 2009, most of them smilenced.


Democrazy 民主妄想 [笔者注:由Democracy(民主)中改一个字母C为Z,包含了Crazy(疯狂),与Democracy谐音]

[ n]. Democrazy is an illusive system that a handful of Chinese fantasized the leader of the country is decided by election.

[名词] 极少数中国人所想像的由人民通过投票来选择领导者的一种妄想中的制度。

[ie]. In a mysterious place such as China, where the only way to cure this disease “democrazy” is sending patients into psychiatric hospital or prison.


Freedamn 自由该死 [笔者注:由Freedom(自由)和Damn(该死)交错合成,与Freedom谐音].

[n] Once you think you can do what you want to do, you are also damned in Malegebi.

[ie] Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up; then all you have is freedamn.


Shitizen 屁民 [笔者注:由Shit(粪便)和Citizen(公民)交错合成,与Citizen谐音]

[n] A shitizen is referring to a particular country such as China, where by law; the right of the citizen is granted. But in reality, it is all on the other way round.

[名词] 屁民是在特定的国家,如中国,在法律上被认定属于这个国家但没有任何公民权利的“公民”。

[ie] "I rank the same as your city mayor, and you only a shitizen!" quote from a drunk high-ranking Chinese official, Mr. Lin.


Innernet 内联网 [笔者注:由Inner(内部)和Internet(联网)交错合成,与Internet谐音]

Yakshit 亚克屎 [笔者注:由Yak(亚克)和Shit(粪便)合成,与维语亚克西(好)谐音]

[n] In certain regions, such as China, North Korea, Iran and etc., the access of the internet is only allowed to restricted network.
[名词] 在某些特定的地区或国家,如中国、朝鲜、伊朗等,仅与被批准的通信网络和电脑相联的网络。

[ie] "What is Yak Shit? What is Yak Shit, ah? Innernet is Yak Shit!"
[例句] “什么亚克屎?什么亚克屎?啊,内联网亚克屎!” [笔者注:毛时代维族歌曲“人民公社亚克西”歌词:什么亚克西?什么亚克西?人民公社亚克西!]

[ie] On the Chinese New Year celebration TV program, the song Yakshit instantly becomes a big hit. According to the Times, the lyric of Yakshit has been very popular on the internet.

Departyment 有关部门 [笔者注:在Department (部门)中加一个字母Y而成,包含了Party(党),与Department谐音]

[n] In China, there is a department in charge of almost everything. But it is being very mysterious about its existence; people can nowhere to find it.

[名词] 最为神秘的中国部门,它主管几乎所有的事,但你永远无法找到它

[ie] When Google planning to negotiate with the Chinese official about its threat of pulling out of China, there is no such a departyment can talk to.

[例句] 当谷歌说要和中国的有关部门谈判撤出中国的威胁时,它发现找不到这个“有关部门”。
Suihide 躲猫猫 [笔者注:由Suicide (自杀)中改一个字母C为H,包含了Hide(躲藏),与Suicide谐音]

[v ] Self-murder by playing hide-and-seek

[动词] 躲猫猫式自杀

[ie] The word suihide first appear from the incident of Mr. Qiaoming Li, who was arrested on charge of cut down a tree in Kuming city, Yunnan province. 10 days after his arrested, he was found dead, the police report stated he accidently fell down when joining hide-and seek with other offenders.


Don’train 动车 [笔者注:由Don’t (不要)和Train(火车)交错合成,与中文动车谐音]

[n] A bullet train which most Chinese cannot afford.

[名词] 大多数的中国人乘不起的先进的高速列车

[ie] When officials were told the airplane fare are unaffordable to most of migrant workers during Spring Festival reunion. The officials responded, "Now they have the option of taking the Don'train."

[例句] 当被告知多数的农民工没钱乘飞机回家过年时,官员们的回答是“现在他们可以乘动车嘛!”
Jokarlist 妓者 [笔者注:由Joke(玩笑)和Journalist(记者)交错合成]

[n] A person, whose job is to report dishonest story for various media, and making it not quite obvious like a joke.

[名词] 一名为报纸、杂志、广播或电视制造虚假消息,并使它们显得不那么像笑话并以此为职业的人。

[ie] Every jokarlist make such statement when they start their professional career, "I swear that in my professional life, I will only write story for those who gave me red packet and make sure offend nobody."

[例句] 每位妓者在开始其职业生涯时都要做如下声明:“我宣誓,我仅为那些给我红包的人写作,并确保无人将因为我的报导而发怒。”

Chinsumer 中国消费者 [笔者注:由China(中国)和Consumer(消费者)交错合成]

[n] Refer to those Chinese who still can spend a fortune in China, to save America, EU and Taiwan from financial crisis.

[名词] 那些可以在金融危机中同时拉动中国、美国、欧盟和台湾内需的中国人。

[ie] Why there are needs of exporting our value in order to become a superpower? As long as we can export Chinsumers, nobody would look down on us.

[例句] 为什么我们需要输出价值观才能成为强国?祗要我们能输出中国消费者,就没有人会小看我们。

Sexretary性秘 [笔者注:由Sex(性)和Secretary(秘书)交错合成,与Secretary谐音]

[n] An assistant who satisfied the boss in every ways.

[名词] 帮助老板满足任何时间任何需要的助手

[ie] Bill Clinton, a successful character who has a wonderful wife and a dozen sexretaries.

[例句] 比尔.克林顿,作为一名成功的男人,有一名出色的太太和一打性秘。

Canclensor删审 [笔者注:由Cancle(删除)和Censor(审查)交错合成]

[v] A protective action by Big Brother who always take care of you with your own money. For example, they cancel inappropriate on-line content since they think it is harmful for you.

[动词] 一种由老大哥做出的保护性行动,由他代表你用你自己的钱来照顾你,比如说,删除不健康的网上内容,使你不至受害。

Emotionormal 情绪稳定 [笔者注:由Emotion(情绪)和Normal(正常)交错合成]

[adj] Being calm and reasonable, usually with the smilence expression

[形容词] 非常平静和讲理的心态,通常此时当事人会笑而不语。

[ie] After Yangjia's execution, his mother was reported emotionormal from the psychiatric hospital , according to the state-owned media.

[例句] 杨佳被处决后,国营媒体说,他妈妈在精神病院里情绪稳定。

Harmany 河蟹 [笔者注:由Harmony(和谐)中改一个字母O 为A,包含Many(很多) ]

[adj ] The stable situation where everybody is emotionormal and there is no sign of unrest at all

[形容词] 每个人都情绪稳定,没有任何群体性事件迹象的美好状态

[ie] We have been in a harmany society for too long to remember what harmony is.

[例句] 我们在一个河蟹的社会呆得太久以至已忘了什么是真正的和谐。



来源:──原载《纵览中国》 --版权所有,任何形式转载需betway必威体育官网 授权许可。 严禁建立镜像网站.

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