

 2005-03-23 17:40 桌面版 简体 打賞 0







對律師而言, 最需要關注的問題是中國的法律系統和司法已經被當權者強姦到了異想天開的地步以及它們對律師所強加的限制。



在中國這樣一個被認為是當今世界上侵犯人權最嚴重的國家裡, 一個中國的律師面對共產黨、政府、法庭的重重壓力,敢於站出來為一個法輪功學員做法律辯護,這幾乎是不能想像的。但是郭國汀律師正在這樣做。



司法部門官員闖進他的辦公室,搶走他的電腦及他從業20多年來的所有法律文件。警察在他的家門外監視他,打給他的電話全是留言,上海市「司法」局沒收了他的律師執照,他的家人及朋友自從3月10日後就再也不能與他聯絡上。據媒體報導, 他被非法刑事拘留, 目前因病保外就醫。

我在上海執業律師 14年,從事海事法及其他法律,所以與郭國汀律師有一種親近感。但是顯然這並不是一個重要的問題。中國政府一方面每天時刻都在侵犯律師的權利,公開蔑視法制,而另一方面卻又希望能夠贏得加拿大律師協會、CIDA、加拿大政府的讚譽,我相信全世界的法律界同行絕對不能容忍中國政府的這種行為!

我附上郭國汀律師的詳細介紹 ( 略 ),並希望您直接寫信給下面所附的有關部門.


Clive Ansley

寫信請寄: 北京 中南海 國家主席 胡錦濤
100017 北京 朝陽門南大街10號司法部
100020 上海市 吳興路225號
司法局 繆曉寶 局長 200030

4. 天易律師事務所



Re: Guo Guoting

Guo Guoting is a 46 year old Chinese lawyer practising in Shanghai. He is the founding partner of the Tianyi Law Firm in Shanghai and one of the most widely acclaimed lawyers in the country. He is particularly distinguished in the field of Maritime Law, but practises in several other corporate/commercial areas as well. He is a part time Professor of Law and is the author of several legal textbooks and is an arbitrator with both the Maritime Arbitration Committee and also the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee. These are major bodies which handle virtually all the international arbitrations which take place in China.
It is unfortunately impossible for anyone who has not lived in China (and for many who have) to fully appreciate the incredible courage of this man. It almost defies description.
In China, almost no one is willing to risk career, family, freedom, and sometimes life itself by openly defying the fiats of the Chinese Communist Party. At present, the Government of China (which is reality identical to the Communist Party) is engaged in a campaign of genocide against adherents of the Falungong movement. The Chinese government is not killing all members of the movement, but it has made a political decision to completely destroy the movement, by whatever means necessary and remove it entirely from Chinese society. This, in my opinion, meets the Convention definition of genocide. The government has committed almost 1,600 documented murders of Falungong practitioners in detention to the present time. Hundreds of thousands more are incarcerated in slave labour camps and are undergoing some of the most diabolical tortures ever conceived by human minds. Many go insane, or finally 「confess and repent」, volunteering to testify on Chinese television and in the print media about the 「evils」 of Falungong and why the government is right to wipe out the belief.
Of central concern to lawyers should be the way in which the Chinese 「legal」 system and 「judiciary」 have been prostituted to the whims of the political leadership and the restraints which have been imposed on lawyers.
The Chinese Government has formally forbidden all lawyers to take on the defence of any Falungong practitioners who are charged (or more commonly just sentenced to prison, without charge), usually on the basis of having 「used an evil cult to obstruct the working of the law」. Moreover, the courts have been formally instructed that under no account are they to accept any lawsuits on behalf of Falungong members. In addition, the courts are instructed that with respect to any matter relating to the Falungong, the courts shall accept the instructions of the 「610 Office」, a completely extrajudicial body established by the government which lacks any constitutional authority to whatever to usurp the authority of the 「courts」.
The Chinese government has also instructed police, prison guards, and prosecutors to use 「all necessary means」 to deal with Falungong practitioners. These are code words meaning 「You may kill or torture with impunity」. In fact, there have been specific directives to these officials and functionaries stating that if Falungong practitioners should die under questioning, the interrogators will not be held be responsible, the deaths should be listed as suicides, and the bodies cremated as quickly as possible.
In this context, is almost beyond comprehension that a Chinese lawyer would step forward to take on the legal defence of a Falungong practitioner and defy the Party/Government/Courts/Police in a state which is today the world』s most serious violator of human rights. But that is what Guo Guoting has done.
A short time ago, Gou defended a fellow lawyer, Zheng Enchong. Zheng had the temerity to take on a class action lawsuit on behalf of a large number of Shanghai citizens who had been forcibly removed from their homes by a wealthy developer operating in collusion with officials in the Shanghai Municipal Government. The result was that Zheng is now serving a three year prison sentence. Guo Guoting suffered tremendous pressure and harassment both before and after his defence of Zheng.
But taking on the case of an imprisoned Falungong practitioner was the most dangerous thing he could ever have done.
Justice Department officials in Shanghai have broken into his law office and removed his computer with all his files covering over twenty years of legal practice; police guards stand outside his home; his home telephone is answered by a machine; the 「Justice」 Bureau of Shanghai has confiscated his law licence; and his family and friends have been unable to contact him since March 10th last.
According to media report, he is under house arrest and criminal investigation.
I practised Maritime Law, amongst other things, in Shanghai for fourteen years and feel a kinship for Guo Guoting for that reason, but that is obviously not a significant issue. I am convinced that the legal profession, worldwide, simply cannot tolerate the outrages the Chinese Government is daily perpetrating on Chinese lawyers, and brazen mockery of the principle of 「rule of law」, all the while earning the accolades of the Canadian Bar Association, CIDA, and the Government of Canada.
I append a much fuller bio of Guo Guoting and urge you to write directly to the attached parties. ♦


Clive Ansley
Suggested addresses to write letters to:

1. President of China

Hu Jintao
President of China
Beijing, P.R. China
Postcode: 100017

Mr. Gao Changli
Minister of Justice
10 South Chao Yang Gate Road
the People's Republic of China
Postcode: 100020

Mr. MIU, Xiaobao
Director of Shanghai Judicial Bureau (also translated as Justice Department of ShangHai )
225 Wuxing Road
Shanghai, P.R. China
Postcode: 200030
Tel: 021-24029999
[email protected]
[email protected]
4. copy to Mr. Guo Guoting please
Tian-yee Law Firm
Suite 1025-1027, Dongfang Mansion, 1500 Century Avenue,
Shanghai 200122, China
Tel: (8621)6876-0077, Fax: (8621)6875-3789
E-mail: [email protected]


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